Saturday, January 21, 2012

Showering like a woman?

1. Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks.

2. Walk to bathroom wearing long dressing gown. If you see your boyfriend/husband along the way, cover up any exposed flesh and rush to bathroom.

3. Look at your womanly physique in the mirror and stick out your gut so that you can complain and whine even more about how you're getting fat.

4. Get in the shower. Look for facecloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone.

5. Wash your hair once with cucumber and lamfrey shampoo with 83 added vitamins.

6. Wash your hair again with cucumber and aloe vera shampoo with 83 added vitamins.

7. Condition your hair with cucumber and aloe vera conditioner enhanced with natural crocus oil. Leave on hair for 15 minutes.

8. Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red raw.

9. Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash.

10. Rinse conditioner off hair (this takes at least 15 minutes as you must make sure that it has all come off).

11. Shave armpits and legs. Consider shaving bikini area but decide to get it waxed instead.

12. Scream loudly when your boyfriend/husband flushes the toilet and you lose the water pressure.

Showering like a woman?
LMAO.. omg! have u been spying on me?


good one.. thanx for sharing

(p.s. r u gonna add the one "Showering like a Man" or should i do the honours?)
Reply:Nah. thats ridiculous!!!! What kind of woman is that? I doubt even the Queen or Elton John goes to that kind of trouble. To me, showering is something I enjoy most among all the daily routines and I shop and shop for all kinds of bath foams and gels. However, going through all that process that you have listed is completely crazy. Never!!!!!!
Reply:WOW! Hilarious and so damn true! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I won't shower any other way! I love it when I am wet!!! (Pun intended!) A star for you! Psst. Since you know the ropes so well will you consider helping out?????? LMFAO!!!
Reply:now that's funny!
Reply:Then what is the question?
Reply:I don't know how to answer this, as its not even a friggin question
Reply:TUT TUT god how do u know this its freaky how you can get into the female mind like that, wow u really understand

star 4 u i think*********************************

Reply:whoa, ive been showering all wrong
Reply:LOL. hahahaha
Reply:a) not a question

b) part of a longer piece which includes how to shower like a man.
Reply:that is so true!
Reply:ha ha ha

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