Saturday, January 21, 2012

So true what do you think?

How to Shower Like a Woman

1. Take off fourteen layers of clothing you put on this morning

2. Walk to bathroom wearing robe and towel on head. If you happen to see husband along the way, ignore juvenile jokes and run to bathroom.

3. Look at womanly physique in mirror and stick out stomach

so as to complain about how fat you're getting.

4. Turn on hot water only.

5. Get in the shower, once you've found it through all the


6. Look for facecloth, armcloth, legcloth, long loofah,

wide loofah, and pumice stone.

7. Wash hair once with cucumber and lemon shampoo with 83

added vitamins.

8. Rinse hair. Condition your hair with cucumber and lemon

conditioner enhanced with natural crocus oil. Leave on hair

for fifteen minutes.

9. Wash face with crushed apricot facial scrub for ten minutes

until red and raw.

10. Try to wash entire rest of body with Ginger Nut and

Java Cake bodywash.

11. Complain bitterly when you realize that your husband

has once again been EATING your ginger nut and java cake

body wash.

12. Rinse conditioner off hair (this takes at least fifteen

minutes, as you must make sure that all the conditioner

has come off).

13. Debate shaving armpits and legs and decide that you

can't be bothered.

14. Scream loudly when your husband flushes the toilet and

you get a rush of cold water.

15. Turn hot water on full and rinse off.

16. Dry with a towel the size of a small African country.


How to Shower Like a Man

1. Sit on the edge of the bed and take off the underwear

you've walking around the house in all morning. Leave them

on the floor

2. Walk to bathroom wearing a towel. If you see your wife

along the way, flash her

3. Look at your manly physique in the mirror. Pat your beer

belly with affection as if it was a great achievement. Suck

in your gut to see if you have pecs. (No.)

4. Turn on the water.

5. Check for pecs again. (Still no.)

6. Get in the shower.

7. Don't bother to look for a washcloth. (You don't use


8. Spend 5 minutes soaping your body and rinse.

9. Spend 15 minutes washing your crotch and surrounding


10. Wash your rear end.

11. Shampoo your hair, do not use conditioner.

12. Make a shampoo mohawk.

13. Open the door and look at yourself in the mirror, giggle

14. Pee.

15. Repeat #9, because it felt good.

16. Rinse off and get out of the shower

17. Pick up the towel and sniff it. If it smells okay, go

ahead and dry off with it. If it doesn't smell okay, holler

to your wife to find you a clean one.

18. Return to the bedroom wearing the towel, if you pass

your wife, flash her.

So true what do you think?
Absolutely classic. I have been up since 3.30am with my 3 little angels %26amp; that has cheered me up a treat, I actually have tears streaming down my cheeks!!! Thanks x
Reply:lol!!!! Report It
Reply:Yep, very true
Reply:hehe :o)
Reply:Wow - had a good laugh thanks, my day has been lousy until now. Keep going.........
Reply:LOL yeah bout right. reading that brought a smile to my face i was a bit depressed but i feel a lilttle happier now!
Reply:Ha ha this is so true and so funny!!!
Reply:pretty good but i dont wear a towel on the way to the bathroom!! i just walk there in the nod! as does my wife.
Reply:Could only be improved by swear words - but that would get the profanity police onto you, so let me tell them to ****** off for you.

Cheers - 'twas a laugh.
Reply:ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

That is sooooo funny!
Reply:Funny Shite.
Reply:I believe!!! Yesss!!! *hands on the air the way they do when receiving the "spirit"*
Reply:so very very true. especially woman's number 11 and men's numbers 2 and 18!!
Reply:LOL ... yes this is very true!


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