Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What are the best plants to have in your garden during the winter months? ?

Daffs, Tulip, Crocus any more suggestions for planting from September to December. SW Cornwall UK

What are the best plants to have in your garden during the winter months? ?
Try Winter Pansies, or Winter Primorse

They arent very big, but they come in lots of colors and can survive several inches of snow for a few days.

Links -



Reply:there are loads of winter flowers just pick your fav colour
Reply:Hellebores: orientalis, foetidus, niger, etc.

Winterberry (Ilex. sp.)- deciduous hollies

Pieris japonica

Mahonia sp.

Harry Lauders Walking Stick (contorted filbert)

Winter Aconite

Snowdrops (Galanthus)

Cyclamen hederifolium (fall-blooming cyclamen, leaves last all winter)

Some of these, esp. the Winterberries, may be American species, I'm not sure how available they'd be in the UK.
Reply:Guess you mean late winter/early spring.

Well, in addition to the daffodils/narcissus/cheerfulness group, tulips and crocus you can choose from primroses, primulas, winter pansies, anenomies, camellias, snowdrops, bluebells, lily of the valley, aconites and cyclamens.

You then can add a shrub or two like holly, helbores, bleeding heart, forsythia and how about a flowering cherry.

The garden can bring much joy all the year round and to see some extra colour at what can be a dismal time of the year brightens everything up.

Whatever you plant -hope that it thrives and enjoy.
Reply:weeds they look after themselves
Reply:Northern Sea Oats
Reply:When I was a kid (7yrs old I think) my dad told me to buy some flowers for my mum for christmas so I bought my mum some plastic ones and planted them in the snow... tulips daffodils etc.... she loved them!.... so, to answer your Q?, any plastic ones are best!

It wasn't what my dad was expecting mind you....
Reply:I like Viburnum, its an evergreen shrub with small white flowers in November. It has an amazing spicy scent when it flowers, and its a really unusual time to get something flowering and scented.

I think its Viburnum Davidii.
Reply:Salvia Divornum
Reply:Crocus, daffs, tulips
Reply:How about an iris that has bright red fruits right through the winter, and cute [just like you I'm sure] yellow purple flowers in summer that, would be IRIS foetidissima.

For something a bit bigger i just love witch hazel [ HAMAMELIS ] if you have a holly or any evergreen shrub, put a yellow flowering variety in front, it will turn heads.

one more if you can find it AZARA microphylla, i just want to break a piece of this off and eat it, it smells like vanilla ice cream, Mmmm, does get quite big tho it would easy get up 30 ft, just prune the leaders out every 4 weeks for the first year or two and that will slow it down a bit.

Talking of fragrant plants not much can beat a DAPHNE if you have the space go for the taller ones, your not bending down to catch that sultry fragrance
Reply:winter pansys easy tubs and haging baskets
Reply:an evergreen

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