Saturday, January 21, 2012

What do you put on tulip bulbs to make them bloom?

I planted many bulbs last fall--tulips, crocus, daffidils and I don't know what else. I didn't put any fertilizer with them. Now that they are coming up, can I put something on them to make sure they bloom real nice?

At the store I saw "bone meal" for tulips--Can I use this now?? Or should I wait till after they bloom then put bone meal on them for next Spring.

My front yard has many bulbs coming up but I noticed in the back yard not to many. Which means squirrels, rabbits or deer. I bought some "liquid fence" to try but does human hair and cat poop do the trick to make these critters stay away.

What do you put on tulip bulbs to make them bloom?
Tulips don't need feeding before they flower.

If you want to feed them wait till after they bloom, but only if your soil is poor.

After the tulips have bloomed, make sure you don't cut their foliage, because letting them die back naturally is what Really feeds the bulb.

the flowers are already formed inside the bulb! isn't that cool!

it could be that the bulbs in the backyard have had cooler temperatures or more shade and they are just slower to emerge. Have you noticed holes and digging where you planted?

Yep, tulips are planted in fall and they bloom in spring. Like iris's. They don't reproduce as well as iris's though. Depending on your climate at least. Generally tulip bulbs will grow until they are about 12 cm, then they'll divide. When tulips make new baby bulbs off the sides they'll take another 4 years or so to flower. If they like the spot they're in, they could do some nice reproducing, depending where you are. But generally I think of tulips being a bit finicky and not naturalizing like daffodils, crocus, or iris.
Reply:The rule of thumb is only use fertilizer DURING growing/blooming season. In the case of tulips. or other bulbs do it as soon as they begin to emerge. It is always best to use bone meal in the fall when you plant.

Use a all purpose fertilizer such as a 10-10-10 and follow direction on the box.

Otherwise fertilize in the early spring.

Q. For the best spring flower display, when should I fertilize my tulip and daffodil bulbs?

A. To produce the maximum number of top-quality spring flowers, tulips and daffodils require care first in fall, at planting time, and then again in spring.
Reply:Tulips are to me very similar to the iris. First with my experience they need to be in the ground a full year before they reaaly have pretty blooms. Other than that there is no real trick. Mine on the back side of my house have more daylight sun and are starting to flower now, on the other hand ones on the end having little sun or afternoon sun are only green leaves still. Give them time my dear, after awile they will be mutiplying and blooming and will make you proud. Good luck to you. I'm a yard person myself!

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