Saturday, January 21, 2012

What makes your heart sing? What lifts your spirit?

The robins have come back; the crocus and daffodils are starting to bloom. I know winter's not over, but spring is coming. That lifts my spirit.

What does the same for you?

What makes your heart sing? What lifts your spirit?
Being able to help someone lifts my spirits. I don't have a lot of money, but small kindness...opening doors, helping older people, rescuing an animal (I drove from Ill. to the Western slopes of Co. to get a kitty that was stranded near the cattle), smile, smile, smile at others. Ask seriously how they are doing. Tell salespersons you appreciate their help. Just small things. It comes back tenfold.
Reply:My dogs frolicking in the yard and my daughter's laughter.
Reply:I love Spring, too! Besides the beautiful spring weather, my spirit is also lifted by the love of my sons, my husband, and most of all God's love.
Reply:Sitting in my yard in the evening watching the beautiful sunset.
Reply:I'm opposite. I'm elated when little signs of fall start showing up. The first one is school supplies in the stores. I silently giggle with gladness and glee that the heat was soon end.
Reply:When I am around lots of birds.
Reply:ecterbob, you are a bear after my own heart. My idea of Heaven is not pearly gates and gold paved streets. It would be beautiful, green and natural. Filled with all of the wondrous things of this earth. I have often thought it would be nice to have singing flowers. :)

Things that make my heart sing: My Christian faith. The beauty of the earth. "Baby" animals. Humming birds. Having a good morning kiss and a cup of coffee with my sweet husband. The musical laughter, hugs and kisses from our grandchildren. A phone call from my mother. Seeing our children healthy and successful. Powerful choir music.

I could write pages on this subject....will quit before I bore all to death.

Have a wonderful day!

Peace and love
Reply:Honestly? Today it is that my youngest child just graduated from the potty to the regular toilet.. yesterday!

It may sound a bit too "earthy" for this question, but I am walking on tiptoes and singing to myself and can't stop grinning. (This has been a long process.)

Another thing that made my morning today was when you chose my cookies as best answer to a previous question.

I guess both of these events are in the category of small kindnesses within relationships.

My daughter told me, "I can do this myself, and the toilet cleans itself, so you don't have to do it anymore, Mommy." I'd be elated no matter what her motivation, but that it came from a place of kindness to me made it even better.

I'm also getting a kick out of the birthday cake that's in the oven, that I plan bringing to a friend later today, as a surprise.

Short answer: Kindness. (Either to or from others.)
Reply:Seeing those cute pictures of cute animals like you. It may be shallow but what can i do? If it will make me happy, then so be it.
Reply:a long view across a wooded valley, where deer and antelope play.

i wish i could live in yellowstone...
Reply:Spring works for me too, and many others too I bet. Young animals and children playing. Sunshine. Greenery. Flowers. Pleasant temperatures.

Reply:Venlafaxine hydrochloride.

Nasty side effects, though.
Reply:Two wolves fighting a stag.

S' fun to watch.
Reply:My spirit is lifted by homemade sugar cookies, I like the kisses and coffee also. HALLELUJAH!!

Reply:The joy of the Lord makes my heart sing and lifts my spirit. When I think of His goodness and what He has done for me I get happy and want to give Him all the honor, glory, and praise! Thanks for asking!
Reply:I saw an avatar icon, earlier, and it reminded me of a happy day, long ago.

It's like the sun came out and sang to me.

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